Although I know more people bought the kit than sent in pictures of projects, I am excited that three people chose to submit their project for the challenge. I can see from the pictures sent and comments made with them, that you guys really did find this out of your norm and it did stimulate you to do something different. I find it thrilling to think that it did that.
The pictures of the challenge submissions have been posted in the gallery on the store's website. When you click the link, it will give you thumbnail pictures. Open the first one and then you can select 'next' and go through each page of the submissions.
I'm glad I was not the judge. I would have had a REALLY hard time deciding. I found it interesting that everyone did an album of some sort. I guess with that many papers in the kit, it lends itself to those. We asked someone who is not affiliated with the store, doesn't know any of the participants but is a scrapbooking person to judge.
The winner (you thought I'd never get to this didn't you) is KIMBERLY. She is participant 1 in the gallery. CONGRATULATIONS Kim! The gift certificate will be waiting at the store for you! Thanks to all who did the challenge!
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The Kit for August has a theme of Celebrating Summer. The colors remind me of summer. They would work for any type of layout or project, but to me the colors look like summer times: back yard bar-b-ques, family get-togethers, a day at the lake, celebrating a special person or a birthday or an anniversary. I hope the kit inspires you to make something...maybe to even make something you haven't made before.

For August, we will do a give-a-way of a September Kit (approximate value $25.00) to the winner. I will draw a name from all of those who submit their project or layouts. I want to remove the excuse some people might use-thinking "oh it is not good enough & will never win". All submissions have an equal chance of winning.:) Stop by the store and pick up a kit or buy it on line here. Submit your pictures to us by midnight August 30, we will draw the name and announce the winner September first right here on this blog. (there are a couple of the July kits left too, if you wanted one) Here is a picture of the August Kit.
This time, we will post some ideas the design team came up with to use elements of the kit. I hope they will spark some ideas for you. Feel free to use any ideas from these in your projects if you want. Come up with something totally new if you want.
For September, we will be putting together actual project kits as well as the paper kits, so stay tuned. Also, there are a BUNCH of classes and crops going on in August and September. Check them out here. Hope to see you soon! Hope to see a creation made by you soon as well! Email them to carolyn@thecraftyscrapper.com.
Thanks & Happy Scrappin'!