Wow I have totally neglected my blog! I feel like FB has taken over, don't you? I find more people read our fan page, its easier and faster. But there are some people that have felt like I have neglected them by not posting on my blog. I didn't realize that there were quite a few people that do not do FB. So I am apologizing to you, my loyal blog readers and promise to not let you down. I have many things to share, exciting things that have happened, things coming and some really exciting things happening in 2011. So I will start with our BIGGEST event yet.......
(Photo courtesy of MarieQ)
Friends from all over the Untied States come together!
It was beautiful weather all weekend. The girls walked from the store to the Historic Rogers Hotel where Katie Watson's class was.
It was hard to get a good picture of our Artistic Journey window display. I thought this was one of the highlights of the event..thanks to Caroline! We asked each attendee to make a tag and journal about their artistic journey. Then sent them in before the event, and what surprise for them when they came Friday night.
We started off the evening and event with a fun make-n-take. Each teacher, Lisa Pace, Katie Watson, Aubrey Rives and our guest Cheryl Darrow from Ten Second Studios each had a page in this adorable 5x5 binder w/envelopes from Maya Roads. Caroline and I did the cover and Annette had a station showing how to ink and stamp the envelopes.
Lisa getting ready for her Make-n-take.
Each attendee received this bag of goodies, and we packed it full of stuff.
It was a weekend full of amazing food. Friday night we catered from My Sisters Affair. Saturday lunch was from my dear friend Heidi, the best kept secret in Waxahachie. Her presentation amazed the girls, when unwrapping these adorable berry baskets your cloth was your placemat, how cute is that! We finished off the weekend with BBQ from the Dove's Nest Smokehouse.

Friday night Caroline surprised me for my birthday with the most beautiful cake and sweets, I was so shocked nd touched I actually cried! Thank you Caroline you are the best and such a dear friend.

Cloth flowers made by Katie Watson with Maya Road mist...too cute!

Yummy Maya Road mist, you can always find every color at the store!

Everyone enjoying the classes!

What a great group of ladies to work with, thank you for all each of you did!