I thought that it might be fun to put out a challenge to those who read our blog. The person who makes a guess closest to the actual amount without going over will win a prize package. We'll throw in some papers, a punch (the wings one pictured here), some flowers and maybe a stamp or more. It will be worth about $30.00. I hope that be motivation to make a guess. I will look for the winner Monday the 23rd. I can only hope there will be more than one response in our comments field.
The question for you - How many items are currently listed in our inventory? (different items)
I'll try to clarify....Say a paper is called Mistletoe and we have 25 sheets of it, for this purpose it is one item, not 25. Make sense?
For obvious reasons, anyone who works or worked at the store and can see the number in our computer is not eligible to guess or provide assistance to any guessers, but other than that, the rules are simple: post a guess before Monday evening, I will pick the person closest and then will put it on the blog for all to see.
mhmmmmm, my guess is 18.900 :-))
It's a tremendous number!!
My guess is 12000
I can only imagine haw many sheets of paper there are in that place not to mention all the other stuff.
Jennifer Boehme
I'm guessing 10,721. Of course I don't know about your obsolence policy or your write-offs or your SKU's....ha, ha, ha! Knowing ya'll I might should bump up that number b/c you don't have all your items written out.... hee, hee....
17,000. I need to make it up there so I can help you eliminate some of that inventory... ;0)
Ok, I'm gonna drop down a good bit from all of the other guesses and say 3,850 different products.
I'm guessing 20, 000.
My guess is 5329 different products in your inventory.
great contest .... a total guess in the dark is = 17,985 have a blessed Thanksgiving .. and thanks for the contest!!! I hope I win those wings!! in need of some lately.
I am going to say 7,250 for my guess.
The Crafty Scrapper has so many great things - i still haven't seen everything. I'm guessing 13,522.
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