
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Designer Shelley Hamilton

This is from our designer Shelley Hamilton.

"As many of you know, I am a Design Team Member for Creative Imaginations. This week, Creative Imaginations is teaming up with Faber Castell for an awesome blog hop! Beginning today, when you look at a sneak-peak of the projects coming up this week on our blogs, you can comment on the blogs to win $50 worth of product from each company! You guys should check this out!! It's a great opportunity to win prizes, be inspired with awesome artwork, and learn how to use new products. Go to to begin the hop and see the sneak-peaks, then check back each day on each person's blog to see full projects and instructions! My sneak-peak is up, and my full project will be on Friday, August 31st!"
Check it out :)

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