
Sunday, April 08, 2012

BoBunny Weekend Market and Maya Road Embellishments

Heart for Art - this post is from Design Team Member Sonia 

When I saw this paper by Bo Bunny I absolutely fell in love with it.  I cannot wait to get the entire stack!  Because I need more paper??  Anyway, for this layout I used Weekend Market Antique as the mat for my self-portrait and the backside of Weekend Market Rulers as the 12x12 base.  Both are shown below from left to right...

This Vintage Daisy is by Maya Road in Mauve.  Just lovely.  And you kind of get the illusion that I'm wearing it in my hair, which is what I was going for.

I mentioned in an earlier post that Maya Road has lots of "little things" that allow me to make clusters of goodness.  So here is the cluster I made for this page using one of the Vintage Wood Doilies which I painted gold, kraft tickets, Vintage Wood Bird which I painted black, an Organza Primrose in Cream and the word "heart" is also chipboard.  The buttons on the tickets are from the Farmhouse line by October Afternoon.

Here is a closer look at the word heart and my little bird friend.  I used Gold Fine Glass Glitter for this.  Isn't it beautiful?

My journaling is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson which reads "In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can inspire."  Such a true quote, so very true for this artist.  ::big smile::

I have about four more layouts to create tonight and tomorrow night so I'll have those for show and tell at some point.  Thanks for looking at my work! Sonia 

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