
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sweet Summer Acrylic Album

We showing off more of Melissa's work for The Crafty Scrapper today. Here are a few fun facts she shared about herself. 

1.        I LOVE to dance…all kinds of dance!  I’m currently a Zumba fanatic and I just signed up for lessons in Lindy Hop, Two-Step, Triple-Two step, Jitterbug, Salsa, and Swing….every evening of the week.  Call me crazy!
2.       My husband has completely converted me into a  geek-loving Sci-Fi lover.  You would never know it…I’m still try coming to grips with it myself.
3.       I love distress inks…you will probably see them, in some form or fashion, on everything I create.  I love it so much, I’ve considered wearing it as part of my make-up routine.  I really don’t personally need any more distressing though. DE-stressing, yes!

So fun! :) Here are more detailed photos of that amazing sneak peek we shared yesterday. 

Be sure to check out the rest of the pages next time you're in The Crafty Scrapper! More new designs from our AMAZING design team coming soon. 


  1. Her book came to the store yesterday, so you can see it in person at the shop. It's amazing!

  2. Oh my goodness are we glad that you are here!!! We are lovin you already!!! Welcome, welcome, welcome!!

  3. Melissa's work on this ADORABLE little album is so cheerful and what a JOY it was to see the stunning photos of her precious children. Thanks for sharing, Melissa....Patty


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!