
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Look what we've been up to...

We hit the ground running on Thursday and it's been a blast!

We checked into the hotel then hit the conference center to find Caroline, David, Lisa, Laura and Sarah (who is from Australia and has an awesome accent).  We helped work on their booth then Caroline and David took us to a very unique Chinese food restaurant, Tofu Palace.  Carolyn and I shared this

I don't remember the name, but it was really really tasty!

Yesterday morning Carolyn awoke (I had been awake since 3:00 Calif time) to a hotel employee blasting an emergency alarm over the room speakers and announcing only "attention hotel guests...". Then he was gone.  Poor Carolyn so sound asleep she thought the man was in our room!!
Once I convinced her he wasn't we had to find out what was going on.
I thought the hotel was on fire, but C was calm until she discovered we had no WATER!
That prompted her to call the front desk which of course received no response.
In the meantime a firetruck has come and gone.
I was ready to head to the lobby, but finally the "emergency response team" announced we were good to go.
Evidently it was a generator relating to the water....

Then we left for another full day of working with Maya Road.  Guess who showed up???
None other than KATIE WATSON herself!  Gotta love that girl! ;)))
Lucky me got to work right there with her putting together catalog kits!
That is also Caroline L's hubby David, who is really amazing to put up with all us girlie girls!
And there is Sarah who is on the Maya Road Design team.
Lisa Pace took some really great pictures of new products and design team projects
 that she has posted on her blog.

Carolyn is quite the merchandiser

 Last night after a wonderful Italian dinner we headed to Lisa's room to make flower wristlets.
I'll post some pictures of those tonight.
Off to do some major buying for you all!
Have a beautiful day...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun, and your dinner looked delicious! Brings us back the good stuff. :)


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!