
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's That Time of Year!

Next week we will have a booth at the Great American Scrapbook Convention in Arlington. We have been busy ordering and preparing samples to show you! Some of the lines may be familiar to you if you shop at our store. But even for you frequent shoppers, we will have some NEW items. This is our fifth year at the convention and each year we search for some fun things to bring.

Our store is only about 30 minutes from the convention center in Arlington, so if you are visiting the convention and haven't been to the store, we hope you will add it to your sightseeing while you are in the area. Directions are here.

We have teamed up with Ten Seconds Studios for some classes at the convention too. We have four full classes and have worked to get the kits completed for all of those too.

On Friday evening, Sally Lynn MacDonald is teaching a class at the store. She is doing some classes at the convention too, so we were lucky to get her for a special class here.

It is sure to be a busy time. We are hoping to see you in the hustle of the event, whether at the booth, in class or at the store!

PS: We have a facebook page and post frequently out there about the activities at the shop, so check us out there too.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Beach Book

A couple of us have had some fun with this new album from Maya Road. This is one of the completed albums. It is a beach theme, but perhaps isn't one you have seen before. The wavy book brought beach to mind and these papers were just so pretty-I had to use them!

We used the Anna Griffin Calypso paper along with some of the Inspired Traveler line. Embellishments include real seashells and Mudd Puddles. The Mudd Puddles are fun to play with. It is a sand and adhesive mixture. It dries pretty quick and is a nice texture when dry.

The flowers & button centers on the front are from Bazzill. We also used some of the little Kraft tickets and ruffled ribbon from Maya Road to trim things out.

Isn't it fun to play with texture combinations?