
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy 4th of July Weekend......

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. We started by making our family tradition, rice krispie treats, with the help of our crafty girl Alysia. Friends and family came over for a BBQ and then we took the kids to the cliffs to watch all the fire works along the beaches. Sorry the pictures didn't come out!
Brother-n-laws bonding while BBQ..........
Saturday morning the guys took the boys, Antonio and Denton fishing. Little did my sister know she had to drive them out on the warf, not her favorite place to drive a car, LOL!
Denton's first fish, maybe now he will go fishing with Michelle and me.
They also caught a star fish and a crab. These two guys did get to go back to the ocean.
After lunch on the water front, us girls met the guys on the warf.

Later, my sister said it was a MUST to go visit the toe ring guy. Everyone that comes to Capitola has to get fitted for a toe ring. If your ever here go by and visit them, Capitola Reef Script Craft Jewelry.

Friday we went to the boardwalk in Santa Cruz. We were so busy with the kids, I didn't get many pictures.

Thursday Pedro planned a trip out to sea to go whale watching. OMG it was amazing, we saw 4 whales. Two of them were very playful and jumped all the way out of the water. Unfortunately my pictures were too far away.
The sea lions were all so friendly, they just lay around everywhere. I was amazed at how many we saw out at sea.

Towards the end we came across 13 dolphins swimming along the boat. The water was so clear you could see them under the water.
We are heading to the beach for our last day, then back to HOT Texas tomorrow.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. fun! cracks me up to see you in a sweater, considering how hot it is here.


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