
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another busy day.......

First I must say, Cheryl and Megan are a blast to hang out with, my stomach hurts so bad from laughing so hard!

Check out these projects Cheryl made for her booth.......

And yes I asked her to teach this as another class at the store soon......

After I helped them for a while I headed over to Maya Road booth to help Caroline. When they started unpacking all the projects, I was blown away with the talent. Here are some pictures of the great stuff all these girls made....

Aubrey, Katie, Lisa and Laura, Maya Road Designers.......

As usual Creative Imaginations put on a great party! This year the theme was Star Wars. We had a blast and got to visit with Cat from Mineral Wells and Terry from Wichita Falls. We all feel a shop hop in the future......

Back at the Hotel as all four of us were talking and cutting up, Cheryl remembered her friend was sending a special project Fedex.......well check this out! We all stood around it speechless for over 10 minutes.....

This was made with all their new molds, is this not beautiful?


  1. Looks like you guys are having too much fun! When does the shopping begin???? :)

  2. Looks like a lot of work! Glad I'm here chilling out on my couch (hee hee)

  3. Don't you just love a good convention! You are going to come back so revitalized and ready to create! I can't wait! Make sure you take picts of G45 for me!

  4. I've heard some rummors about Tim....spill it!


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!