
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Somedays you just need to get away.........

...and that's what we did. I had to go out to Ten Seconds Studio today and get more goodies. While we were there we decided to go out to lunch and head to the new Michael's that everyone is talking about.

What is it those girls always say "Do you have big Mamas?"

Or should we say nose picker. They started laughing at me because I was filling up a shopping cart with stuff to make projects. Maybe they were laughing because I never have time for creating things, so why was I buying more stuff! And poor Cheryl keep picking up stuff and asking "how would that look with metal on it?" Megan just looked at her told her to put it back.Cheryl and I went nuts over all the blingy garland and all the possibilities, I finally had to strangle Cheryl because she wouldn't let me get any. She actually told me I could go to the Michael's in Cedar Hill if there wasn't any left, I had to take her down! I managed to leave with 5 bags of stuff, stuff to make Christmas trees, snowman Christmas cones, wreaths and plenty more.

Don't you think it looks like she needs a basket too....................................
Thank you for a awesome day girls, I really needed to get away and have fun. I do not think I have laughed like that in a long time.


  1. I will never forget this day-- at least not without a LOT of therapy.

  2. hiii!!! May greetings from Italy!!
    I've been there in middle Oct ;-))
    That was awsome, and I wish I'll be back again soon!!!

  3. Cheryl and Megan are such a HOOT!
    Great pictures!
    Linda Cain


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!