
Saturday, October 11, 2008

WOW what a weekend...........

Wendy Vecchi's classes started today and the store was packed with people excited to learn new things. I feel like its been fast and crazy and I am working on no sleep, so I thought I would post a few pictures for now and more in a few days when I can think clearly. Wendy started the day off with the Ranger technique class. I actually was able to attend half of the class.....all I can say is it was amazing. I was shocked at all the new things I learned and just LOVE her new stamps.
I slipped in a seat next to Lisa Pace, my new BFF, and have decided to always sit next to her when taking a class. I got called away a few times, but Lisa kept me updated and helped me get caught up.
Caroline settled in on the other side were our other class room is, and finished two awesome albums. At one time she came up to me and asked for coffee filters, when I went to go check on her she had mist them with their new Maya Road misters and created these beautiful flowers. Then a hour later she said she saw some old books under my art bar, could she have one, again I checked on her and she had made more awesome flowers. So between Wendy and Caroline I feel like I learned a TON! Later when I post more pictures I will share her finished projects.
We ended the day with a fun dinner out and my buddy Megan from Ten Seconds Studio even drove down to join us. I am so excited that Megan and her mom are coming back tomorrow to take the class and play with us. Tomorrow we are doing 2 more classes....what a fun weekend!


  1. Loved the classes. Thanks for bringing her in!

  2. It was a BLAST being at your store all weekend. I can't wait to come back and play.

  3. The classes look like so much fun. Wish I lived a little closer.


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!