
Friday, October 03, 2008

My baby turned 7 this week......

I guess I cannot call him my baby anymore. I found some old pictures the other day when he was little and just could not believe how time has flown by. We had his party at Flip Fusion in Waxahachie, and it was perfect and easy. You moms know what I mean by easy!
As you can see all his friends and cousins showed up to help him celebrate, and boy were they worn out and sweaty.
Thank you so much for coming and helping us celebrate his birthday!

Now all of us at the store are getting busy getting ready for Wendy Vecchi. Not only is she coming, but Caroline from Maya Road and 3 of her DT members. We are making it a big fun weekend. Wendy decided to send some extra kits, so if you didn't get signed up, you still have time.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Denton! It sounds like you had a super fun party.

    Yes Carolyn I know... you don't have to say it... this kid tugs at my heart strings and can do no wrong.


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!