
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Current Love Affair with Basic Grey & Cosmo Cricket

I admit it - I am fickle. If there is a new paper line - well that's all it takes - it is my new favorite.
I am not sure if this Basic Grey is all that new, but I am totally truly madly in love with it. I also want to give a shout out to Cosmo Cricket too because I am two timing Basic Grey these days with Cosmo.
This card is truly easy breezy. I created a grid with my computer and then just adhered squares of the different papers. A layered and stamped sentiment, and I was done. It took my longer to think it up than to execute it!
Is it a paper-sickness? Maybe. I'm ok with that.



  1. if it is a sickness, MANY of us are infected.

  2. I love the card! I admit...I have been infected and I don't want a cure! Great job Susie!


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