
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Love the clear stamps!

What does a dollar buy these days? Not too much. Certainly not a gallon of gas or a gallon of milk!

But every once in a while, a dollar will be just enough. For example, the cute little one-packs of clear stamps at The Crafty Scrapper.

Birds are all the rage right now - and this one is just SO cute. And for a dollar...well I am not sure he could be a better value. I'd been making bright cards all morning and then decided to do a more calming card. I made the background from one color of cardstock, embossed with two different patterns.

Then I went searching for a single soft element and here it was. This ONE DOLLAR stamp cutie. I stamped him in black StazOn ink which is one of my favorites. Then colored him with my Copic markers.

Usually, my 15-minute creations take much longer because I get too involved - but this card actually took me only 15 minutes to make. I like it!

With CHA items arriving and some already here - check out the new stamps and see what you can do with a little bit of acrylic and some ink.



  1. that little bird stamp is definitely a favorit. Love it on the textured w white...cute!

  2. Susie I so love that birdie! The texture of that card is just yummy! I love the way you doodled on the little guy too!


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!