
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Challenge Yourself!

Do you find yourself comfortable with the style and themes of your work? So do I. I find though that I can get in a rut and my layouts or work starts to take on the same format or colors. Here are some things that can pop you out of your routine--in a good way. Take a challenge. Many magazines have guidelines for submissions listed and we here at the Crafty Scrapper have swaps listed on the forum here. Even if you do not submit your project, doing the technique or theme listed is good for your work. It makes you think of things differently. Often you find a new style you like, new colors or new ways to put things together just following the guidelines listed.

Now of course, we would love to have you participate in our swaps and turn in the work. It is great for everyone. You stretch your mind, bend the edges of your comfort zone and others get to see what you have done and learn from you! You will learn new things from the others as well. Currently, there is a monthly card challenge, a monthly recipe card challenge, a layout challenge and starting soon, a monthly ATC swap. Take a look at the forum and see what you can do to push yourself into a new zone!


  1. I love challenges! What a way to give your creativity an extra push...put yourself out there on a limb. Try something totally unlike you have ever done before!

  2. be like the little kitty in the picture---get out of your comfort zone!

  3. LOL! Intersting pic and interesting way to illustrate your point! : )


  4. Sherri, Thanks for visiting my blog! This picture of the kitten in the bath water is just hilarious. I can't believe it is so well behaved. :0)

    Have a great week,
    Queen of Dreamsz


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!