
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Card Caddy for Grandma......

We have taught this card caddy as a class several times, and it has always been one of the most popular classes. It also makes a great gift, even for someone who is not into scrapbook stuff. My step mom loved the one I made for an aunt at Christmas, and she kept saying "I could use that, I really like that!" So I made her this one for her birthday...unfortunately its a little late because I keep adding to it.
I sewed the top paper on every paper and even stitched the trail behind the ladybug...I love using the sewing machine on paper.
Love the Maya Road chipboard, I used it all throughout the book. My favorite are the trees, I seem to use them a lot.
If you haven't used the new stitching stuff from Bazzill, you need to try them. I used the flourish template on the April page and the paisley on the November page.

This is my favorite page, its hard to see the details. I used a Maya Road chipboard snowflake, covered it with sparkles, layered a prima paper snow flake on top and dded a clear button with a snow flake rubon on the button.


  1. This is wonderful. It is really,, really nice!

  2. That turned out so well Carolyn! I keep saying this....I so wish I was your child's teacher so I could get goodies from you!


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!