
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Butterfly Album of Friends

These are about half the pages from the new Maya Roads butterfly chip board album I am working on. The pictures were from a crop at the Crafty Scrapper last spring when all the planets aligned and me and my best 3 friends got to sit down and crop together. The 2 coolest techniques I have used on this album so far is 10 Second Studio w/ molds and the Sizzix dies; second is the new Ranger spritzers with re-inkers and perfect pearls. It just adds a cool bit of bling. Also used is the new Jenni Bowlin paper, rub-on's, inking, hand journaling and title, stamping, prima flowers, felt and I printed the small photo's with my new favorite thing ( Epson Picturemate , it prints mini wallets, wallets and jumbo wallets, perfect for mini books! And you can pull the pictures in via cd or memory card with NO computer; perfect for crops and retreats!). I know Carolyn does not sell these but a girl has to brag about the cool tools...... you tool girls know what I am saying!
More to come before the weekend is out, just trying to get the house ready for a MIL visit for Spring Break!
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  1. These albums are really neat arent' they. It is always fun when we can get a chance to crop w friends...even if it is a rare occasion.

  2. Too cute! I bought this album too! I can't wait to take Sam out to the part and fill it up!


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