
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3 Days until the Maya Road class.........

Several of you have called this week to tell me how excited you are about Saturday. Caroline who is one of the owners of Maya Road and her DT coordinator Lisa Pace, who I just found out is a Memory Maker Masters 2008 , are coming to teach one of their new houses with a cute album tucked inside. As I was kitting the class up I thought "why am I not taking this class, look at all the goodies they are getting!" I may hide in a corner and maybe they will not notice I am there, LOL! You guys are going to love Caroline and Lisa and I hear they are awesome teachers, it should be a fun day. If you didn't get in the class do not worry, I am going to talk Caroline into coming back after summer to teach again.


  1. I can't wait!!!!! I need to print some pics out for it.... :0)

  2. Waving Hi... it is going to be lots of fun. See you soon.

  3. The class was just too awesome for words!


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!