
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Monthly Card Swap

One of the things the store tries to encourage is creativity (of course). One of the ways we have fun with our creativity is a card swap. Each month several people make 10 cards according to the sketch for that month. They are all brought to the store where they are sorted out and swapped back to those who participated. This is a part of what I do on the design team (coordinate this swap)

The sketch for February is taken from the Split Coast Stampers site. This should be a fun one to play with. If you have never participated---now is the time to start. If you have already participated--keep it up!

These cards can be paper, mixed media, digital, mixed paper & digital, etc, etc just as long as they are inspired by the sketch for the month. The size is not important, but we do ask that you include envelopes if possible. The 10 cards can be all the same, or all different--it just doesn't matter. Sign the back of the cards please-so we all can know who made which cards. PLEASE. do not be scared to participate-it is really just for fun, a way to meet others, a way to improve our skills & so should be done in that way! We have never been disappointed in the cards we have received.
We have experienced stampers, scrappers & artists and we have brand new folks. It is fun for all.

Due date is the last day of February. Turn them into the store and then about 5 days later you will have a little packet of cards to pick up in return. Let's GO!

1 comment:

  1. This one does look easier. maybe I will dip my feet back in. :)


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!