
Thursday, January 17, 2008

You girls asked, we finally did it.............

Annette, Betty and I went shopping today for chairs for the crop room. So next time you come crop you can enjoy a comfy chair, they swivel, roll and best of all are comfy for the bottom. And yes we bought enough for both crop rooms so nobody has to fight over them.

After we were done buying the chairs we were off to Leta's house for lunch. Leta is a fabulous cook and hostess. She made the most wonderful chicken salad and a strawberry dessert that was out of this world. The highlight of the visit was seeing Leta's house and many scrapbook rooms, yes I said many. Of course she had her main one, but I think the scrapbook supplies have taken over other spaces in the house. We all know how this goes! Leta is one of the reasons I love this business, I have met so many wonderful people that have become good friends and very dear to me.



  1. I don't know which to drool over the chairs or the lunch! How faboo!

  2. how cool!!! I can't wait to come scrap on saturday!!! WOOHOO!!!!

  3. I was just thinking of chairs yesterday. I LOVE them. :)

  4. wow, a person misses a lot by not coming in for a couple days....sheesh!! I try to get there daily, but wouldn't you know...Can't wait to sit my bottom in one of those comfy looking chairs!! Pics of Leta are adorable.


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!