
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mixing up a Quick Card

Here is my secret for making a quick (but looks intricate) card.....leftovers. Yup - that's what I said. LEFTOVERS.

Right now I am on an aqua and red kick. So I just opened my drawer of blue scraps and grabbed this paper. Next - the red drawer. Voila. I was ready to go. My paper selections gave me the "plan".

Did I mention that I love everything scalloped these days? Yes - I am addicted to scallops.

Next I grabbed my stamps and inks - added some pop dots and jewels and left over ribbon and my card was done.

Unless my recipient reads this blog, she will never know that her card is made of all things left over. I surmise that leftovers are LEFT OVER from other projects I they are good things to use.

So grab some leftovers. You know you want to.



  1. scraps are a lot of fun. I feel like I can experiment more with them too, since it's just a little bit of the paper or embellishments...cute card.

  2. I like the scallops. What do you use to make them? Scissors?

  3. The scallops are made using a die from Nestabilities. They are similar to Quick Kuts cookie cutter dies.


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