
Monday, November 05, 2007

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

I thought I'd show you the Rudolph that I made the other day using the Carolee Creations pre-cut wood kit. It took very little to complete the look; some paint (cream colored) 2 sheets of paper (Carolee's), little scraps of white and black card stock, a piece of sandpaper, 4 - 6 bells, a few little snips of ribbon, some floral wire, a larger ribbon piece and mod podge. I could have used a chenille stick (pipe cleaner) too, but didn't have one at the time. I would have used two screws to put him together, but didn't have any handy, so did hot glue-which is what they used too I think. I made him as close to the example the company gave as possible--not my usual way of doing these, but wanted him to look like the pictures.

He is pretty cute. He is large. His face is about 10 inches tall, then his antlers are another 8 inches or so on top. He would be great to hang on a door as is, or put him in a wreath. Very inexpensive for a gift too-I thought. The example is at the store along with more kits for you to create your own variation of Rudolph.


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!