
Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm Sherri

I have only been involved in this kind of artform for about a year and a half. I have always loved crafts and artistic endeavors and have done many things that used color, balance, shape and similar skills. Like several others I looked forward to doing art kits, making Barbie furniture, and sitting and coloring with my crayons endlessly as a kid. Unlike many of the others on the team, I don't design or do art work for anyone else, and have never been on a team like this elsewhere. I am very excited about the team becoming more formalized and can't wait to see what is in the future for us.

When I first starting doing projects with scrapbook supplies I tended toward altered art sort of items. Doing layouts is the newest thing I have done. I like many styles of art, decor and of course scrapbook work. Carolyn tells people I am the "out of the box" girl. I enjoy using unusual items on my pieces and have quite a bit of vintage papers and pictures that I like to use as well. I don't think I have a particular style, each piece is driven by a photo or other thought in my head. I do enjoy mixing patterns and sometimes use unusual color combinations.

I will often try ideas that come into my head --usually very impulsively on a page. I also make happy accidents from time to time. After I had completed this very simple layout page of my son's car I decided to drive a toy truck through white paint and then drive it on the paper.

I enjoy doing all sizes of art/scrap work including 1 x 1 inch pieces(inchies), 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch ATCs, 4 x 4 inch pieces all the way up to 12 x 12 layouts. Each size has it's own challenges. I participate in several swaps with art groups and frequently do challenges from magazines and these groups. I also still alter boxes, tins, frames and about anything else I can figure out that glue, paper, paint or treatments will stick to. These are some of the ATCs I have made.

(clicking on the pictures will enlarge them)

In my non-scrap life, I am a Registered Nurse and work full time for a managed care company. I have just started telecommuting for this job, which is wonderful so far. I have a daughter, a son, a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter. All the main focus of my life. They are the best. They are also great subjects for layouts. I have lived in Texas since 1976, most of the time in Arlington, moving to this area in 2002. I try to keep a blog going here. Since moving out here, I have done quite a few things related to downtown Waxahachie, including window displays for a couple of stores. I work with Carolyn doing the windows for this store too. I look forward to working on things for the team and working with you.


  1. Very creative with the toy truck, a couple new ones I had not seen. Thanks for designing and heading up the design team blog....I knew you would make it awesome. You are the best and we are lucky to have you.

  2. Oh, Sherri...(isn't that the beginning of a song?) Thanks for being a great friend and a big source of inspiration for me. I thought my style was "out of the box" until I met you. I especially love your funky and whimsical sides. Keep it up!

  3. Yes, a song by Journey, Annette!

    I love your ATC's, I've never made any..gonna have to try that...

  4. You totally inspire me! You just can't hide talent...and you prove that with each project you do.


  5. You are so creative! I wanna be like Sherri. :)


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!