
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Husbands that know how to can........

I just had to share this, my husband is so proud of himself!
He received a bag of figs from a friend, and of course told me we needed to can them. I just looked at him and said "go for it"! Well he did, after a quick call to his grandmother, he started his cooking, ran to HEB for canning supplies and off he went. As I write this he is in the kitchen admiring his accomplishment, he is very proud of himself. Got to love a man that can cook.


  1. I'm impressed with the mister... but I have to comment on the photography. Smart placement of the jars in front of those plates. They make a good background!!

  2. That is too funny! Men that cook mean we dont have to stop cropping until it is time to eat!


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