
Monday, August 06, 2007

Here We Are

Yes, here we are. The design team for the Crafty Scrapper. This is a blog that the team will use to post ideas, techniques, challenges, swaps and anything else they can think of to excite the imagination. We plan to have FUN!

We hope that this will serve as a place to come when you are out of ideas, feeling less than creative, not sure what to do with a certain paper you got, etc. We also hope it will be a place you come when you are excited, have a gazillion ideas and want to see what others are doing. Please leave comments so we know what helps and what doesn't. With the changes in the team and now an individual blog just for the team---who knows what they'll come up with! The blog link will stay the same, but other details may change by the next time you visit.

Over the next week or so, each person on the team will introduce themselves and show a picture of a recent piece of work that they have completed. Once each has given a glimpse into themselves, we will start posting other ideas, projects, layouts and techniques!


  1. LOL!!! Too Cool! If you want to add a digi gal to your team, just let me know!!!!!

  2. I didn't know this blog existed until tonight! Very cool. :)


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!