
Saturday, June 09, 2007

What a Week!

Today was not as busy as the other days at the convention, but it was a great day. We had all items marked down 10% and then at the end of the day, Carolyn marked several things down 50%. The booth got pretty crowded then. Overall, it was a great Week-end. Several folks were taking pictures of our stuff & booth. We took pictures too, but have not had a chance to even get them out here for you. Lots to do this week, getting that done, and getting items back into the store (ordering, etc). It is empty compared to what it usually is, however, there are still some great items we didn't even take to the convention.

Lots of news coming too on classes and new lines that will be coming to the store. Stay Tuned!


  1. I for one had a great time. Everywhere we went, people were talking about what a great booth you had. Stacie and I told them
    that they all needed to visit the store. I already made a digital layout and wrote about it on my blog!

  2. We had a great time today!! We loved the booth and loved talking to Carolyn and meeting Amy. our picture turned out great!! We both have it on our blogs now... ;0)


We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!