
Monday, June 04, 2007

What is GASC? Where are the Girls? Where should I go? What will be there?

It is TIME. The Great American Scrapbook Convention also known as GASC is starting this week. Check out specifics for the Arlington show HERE .

Even though On-line registration is closed, there are openings that can be filled that day in all the classes and in the crop. Remember that there are food vendors, but they were only taking cash last year, so plan for that!

Here is the Crafty Scrapper Girls Schedule:

Tuesday: get things packed up in the afternoon & evening
Wednesday: head to Arlington Convention Center EARLY so the booth in the crop room will be ready to go when the crop opens up at 10:00 AM. This booth closes at 5:00 PM that day. While some are in the crop room selling and showing, others will be in the bigger hall setting up the main booth. We are right next to the spot we were in last year, and we will have our beach umbrella --- so hopefully, we will be easy to find. We are right on the way to the "Make-N-Take" booth, so if you can get there, look for the umbrella and come see us!
Thursday: open up at 9:00 AM for selling!! Come see us early for best selections. Last year a lot of the most popular items were gone by end of Thursday.
Friday: open again at 9:00AM
Saturday: Open at 9:00AM at the Convention Center

Now, the main store will be open as usual back in Waxahachie, so if you don't feel like heading out to Arlington and parking and walking that much, just stop on by the store as usual.

Now...what will be at the show in our booth??? LUXE, Love Elsie, Daisy D, Moxie, Creative Imaginations, Queen & Co, Lots of Stamps and other pretties. Several ideas that haven't been out in the store yet and of course US! Come see!

Hope to see you this week at one of the two spots!

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We love to hear what you think about our projects and what is going on in the store- please leave us a comment! Have a fabulous day!!