
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lovin The Rock Star Collection......

I have had so many calls and emails about all the new stuff from Summer CHA, I decided to start posting sneak peeks of what is coming. Even though I couldn't go to the show, my wonderful Fred Hill rep Jodie Chapman placed my orders at the show so we would get them soon. I will post several peeks from Creative Imaginations, Jodie called me from the show and we went through the catalog. Basically I kept telling her, "everything on page 28, 29, 30, 31, ect.... I think I ordered the whole catalog, it was some HOT stuff. I will start out with the one that I have gotten the most calls about....they say its shipping in August!

Be sure and check out the rest of the sneak peeks further down........

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sneak Peek #4: Crafty Secrets Stamps

Extreme Warning......beware stamp-a-holics....these stamps will be arriving in just a couple of weeks!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Our Night at Chick-Fil-A

Tuesday night July 24th we headed to Chick-Fil-A for family night. Annette and I created a little 4th of July paper sack album for the kids to make. We brought our two newest helpers, Katlin Wiley and Riley Prudhomme.

As the kids started coming I noticed this sweet little girl hiding behind the wall, grinning from ear to ear. When I asked her if she was ready to make the project, her grin got even bigger as she said yes. Later her mother told us that when she saw that we were going to be coming to Chick-Fil-A 3 weeks ago, she was so excited and couldn't wait to come.
Throughout the night we had over 40 kids make this little album, from ages 18 months to 9 years. It was a lot fun and we really enjoyed meeting new people and seeing all our regular customers. We made this little album easy and fun so that it did not take up to much time, and was easy for any age to complete. Of course our talented Katlin was a big help with the little ones and Riley made sure all the kits were put together. Chick-Fil-A provided us with dinner, a helper and a great workspace for our project. They have a lot of fun activities planned for the up coming family nights. We will be doing a Back to School project September 4th, Halloween project in October and a fun Christmas project in December. They also have Dusti the Clown, Mosic Maddness and a
bounce house planned. Chick-Fil-A is a great addition to our little town of Waxahachie, well I guess I should said "our not so little town"!
"Eat Chickin or no Dessert 4U"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sneak Peek #3: Maya Roads

WARNING, WARNING: This post is not for those with back conditions or heart problems. Please be careful scrolling down!! We're not kidding!


If you have the strength--Check out more Here

Monday, July 23, 2007

No Frills Crop #2: July 21, 2007

Saturday was the "No Frills" Crop for the month of July. There was no requirement to wear anything special this month. Just to come and have fun. Now as we've said before "No Frills" does not mean there isn't anything for you. This month, there was a salad bar, pizza and Carolyn's Apple Cake for dessert. Just the apple cake might have been worth the $15.00 cost for cropping. As most know, the charge is usually $15.00 for these "No Frills" Crops, and then you get about $15.00 worth of food. It's a nice trade!

Next month's No Frills Crop is on August 18. Get signed up to reserve a space. There is not a theme for August crop. The crop for September is the Breast Cancer Crop on the 8th-which is full. If you want to put your name on the waiting list, you can. If someone has to change their plans, you can buy their spot from them.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

And More Parties...

In the store this week were Mary, Teena, Yvonne and Mary Lou. This is a group that has cropped together for several years. They all used to live near one another, but have had to deal with being separated from each other lately. Now, they meet up at the Crafty Scrapper, which is about halfway between the cities they live in now. About 6 weeks ago, they were in the store and we found out that they have celebrated each other's birthdays for many years too. At that time it was Yvonne's birthday (front right). They came in during the day, brought cake, a balloon and celebrated her birthday by being together and working on their own projects.

This month it was Mary Lou's birthday--she's the one in the Tiara, in case you weren't sure. They again brought cake---actually brownies in cupcake tins and other things to celebrate the occasion. Glad you partied with us ladies!

More about the "No Frills" Crop in tomorrow's post.

My budding artist......

For those of you who have not encountered my son in the shop,
this is Denton. In the last couple of months he has shown
a big interest in drawing and his own style of scrapbooking
(that was after we found him climbing the gridwall at the store,
after the super hero stickers).
Well this wonderful son of mine woke up Friday and informed me that he was going to start making his own toys. He had it all figured out, he just needed wood and paint, so off to the store we went. When my husband got home he was waiting for him at the door with his diagram. They cut the wood out in the image of his monster snowman and then waited for me to come home to paint (that was my part). I have been watching him carefully paint this all day and just wanted to share with you my little artist. You have to agree the monsters look alike ....and no I didn't help him! Now he has informed me his opening a toy shop in the garage!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Parties, Parties, All Kinds of Parties........

The Crafty Scrapper has been busy with parties this week. Thursday, a group of girls came in to celebrate the birthday of a sweet 11 yr old girl. Annette created a great paper bag book titled Friends for the girls to each make.

The newer crop area is perfect for having parties. There is a table that can be set up for gifts, cake or other goodies, still allowing plenty of room for cropping at other tables.

Wednesday night it was a group of ladies from Bible school who came in for a special party. This group also decorated a paper bag book designed by Annette. The group looked very intent on making these books. The smiles on their faces indicate what kind of time they had together.

There have been parties in the past at the store, but with the advertising at Chick-fil-a, several more parties are getting booked here at the store.

There is a lot of flexibility in how parties can be booked. Some prefer to just do their own projects and enjoy each other's company that way. Others want a project to do. Annette or Carolyn will design a project appropriate for the group and the time. Some groups may prefer to do a project their entire time, while others want the project to just take up a portion of their reserved time.

Wednesday morning, a group of High School Seniors came in to celebrate graduating. For this class, Annette designed an album with a small canvas as the cover and accordion pages that very neatly fold behind the cover.

There are so many options for the project and for the party. Some projects done in past parties include making a table canvas, a mini album such as the paper bag album or the small canvas album and a clothes pin picture holder.

The ideas and product selections are nearly endless. Celebrating together this way is wonderful for any age group. These groups were small, but the store can accommodate other sizes of groups. Let us design a party for your group!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mid Week Update

Posting a quick update on several items going on at the store. First, the class for the "Songs That Move Me" book has been postponed at this time. When it is rescheduled, we'll put a note out here on the blog and also put it in the events on the store website. Second; a lot of people have been asking about the class that Carolyn is doing for 80 kids at the Chick-fil-a here in Waxahachie. It is scheduled for next Thursday night, the 24th. A report of how it went will be posted for sure! and then next; a reminder to sign up for the all day crop this Saturday. It is all day from 10 am to Midnight--only $15.00, which goes for food & the ability to be there that many hours and use of the tools & stamps and inks here at the store. Last and far from least; be sure to sign up for the Breast Cancer Crop which will be September 8. This fills fast and so if you want to have a spot, better call as soon as possible. See you soon!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Don't Miss Out

Thursday the 19th (this Thursday) is the class for this wonderful book. This book was slated for a class after so many people asked to learn how to make it. Doing this book will allow you to try several techniques you may not have tried before including masking, unique use of ribbons, decorating chipboard shapes and how to journal with more meaning. If you have seen other items Joanna has made, you know that she is very good with journaling in a meaningful way. This book will be a way to leave insight into your thoughts for others. The content of this class is well worth the $36.00 it costs. Call the store and get your name on the list!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

No Frills Crop #2: $15 for 14 hours

There is not a theme this time but a date is set for July's 'no frills' crop. July 21, 2007 10 am to Midnight. Call the store to sign up. Payment needs to be made to hold your spot. More info to come as determined. Thanks.

Betty Did It...

...and isn't it lovely! The overall size of the back piece is 12 x 12, just to give you some perspective. The teal paper is from Luxe Designs. The front piece has a Daisy D rub on and when closed-as you can see-shows a picture of the bride carefully in place hanging from a clip and the panel with the rub on. The rings have ribbons tied off of them in the same browns and teals of the paper.

When opened, this reveals several pictures and wording. The 18 inches wide layout showcases these photos wonderfully and the use of rub ons,lace and other non paper items brings the piece together with impact! Something that does not show up well in the pictures is the sparkle of the off-white areas. They have been covered with a glaze to give an elegant effect. This will go onto the gallery on the website as well and is on display at the store.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Sneak Peek: Autumn Leaves - Holiday Sets

Caution: Viewing of this post may cause extreme reactions. Before scrolling down through this and the next post, warn those around you so that they are not alarmed by your oooohhs, aaahhhhs, exclamations or any guttural sounds that may escape!